Mary Johns Bowen was sent to the Kowetah Mission School in around 1852 to teach there. She resigned in 1853 due to illness.
According to Lola Sanders letter the children were taught to sleep in a bed to sit at the tables and eat from china and use silverware and napkins they were taught to cook bake sew mend keep a house clean as well as themselves. To wear their hair like American girls and to wear American clothes and shoes. The children didn’t like shoes. They had to learn to sit in chairs in a living room and talk about different subjects. They were also taught ballroom dancing and how to ride a horse using a riding habit, using a side saddle and cantering like a ladylike pace was very hard for them to master. The children would ditch their saddles whenever they can and ride away. Mary Johns would share with the girls American home life, cities, schools and about the stars she studied astronomy and astrology at the seminary school. She a lot time with the girls and help them with there clothes and hair. And personal hygiene, taught some of them how to speak French and other subjects. The girls were around Mary a lot they would even sneak into her room at night and sleep on the floor by her bed. Mary was on the verge of a nervous breakdown due to the children being around her so much. The school gave her a leave of absence, she went back to Pennsylvania. She never came back.
The blank spots in the letters are the words I wasn't able to make out due to them being unreadable.
Nov 1852 Letter Kowetah
Saturday, May 11, 2013
9:39 PM
Mr. Lowrie
Dear Sir.
I dread to write such discouraging accounts from our school, knowing how much you are in
_______ in it. We have became compelled to send the girls home on account of my health failing. Oh it was painful to part with them and, so many of them ____ so very unwilling to leave school I felt as though no sacrifice would ___ great could I only be the means of keeping all the school together be from frequent attacks of chills since the first of September my general health had become ____ ___and my lungs _____ much affected that I could not discharge the duties(?) inc____ ___ ____ at least not as they ought be discharged Dr. Jin__(?) advise that I should give up all labor and care for three____ ___ months, he thinks the rest and such medicines _____ prescribes will be the means of restoring my health I have full confidence dr. J and feel (?) myself health I can not endure ___ ___ and ____ ____ ___ while the girls ___ here but I think I can attend to the household affairs and the ____ with the assistance _________ _____ some of them missionaries were favor of breaking up the school altogether but I should not see the boys go too. The very idea is painful I trust I am _____ to ____ affection, yet if it is the cause of disbanding the school I fear lest I shall find myself mourning (?) against God of all the trials I have met with this is the greatest I do no mean the loss if my health that I would find a ___anyway Kowetah school will close 1st of August with an exams (?) _____ also. There has been considerable seriousness manifest both there and at Tallahassee among the scholars which in hopes is the beginning of a good work in their own hearts that they may not grieve away the "heavenly messenger" is to daily prayer of the missionaries what on _______ and resp___work we are engaged in ! And have much grace ___ ____ to perfect it! So far myself I look back with shame on the apparition of doing good which are passed without being improved __ so many thing done wrong. I feel unworthy to labor in so great a house yet it is my soul's desire to spend my life in the service of my savior and if I can just serve him by trying to lead the Indian children into his fold. Then let me spend my life among the Creek Indians Mr L. for several reasons if ___ thought best by the brother and sister missionaries for me to go to Kowetah and Miss W. to remain here one of which is that the work at ___ id better suited for my health while teaching in school agrees with Miss W better than with me. Those she will not be engaged in teaching for the present but in all probability that will the occupation of the one who stays here My thanks to Mrs Lowrie for the trouble she took to make purchases for me last winter The other lady (?) would join with me in acknowledging our obligations for her kindness did they know I was writing. The goods ___ that she must have taken a great deal of _____ I am greatly indebted to you for the gift of the memories of your son. With Lowrie I ____ ____ both for the high character of the subject of the work and the _____ I have for it Author. I have learn so many lessons from it already. But there are many others I fear I shall never be able to ____ in practice as did your son though they are more important.
Miss Warkman (or workman) and myself have been thinking if it would be as convenient for you to have our supplies order from Cincinnati instead of N.Y We had known the agent the__ and have friends there also who would make purchases for us. But do not make change unless you think best ____ mention it not knowing but it will do as with and perhaps better than to send to N.Y.
Mr. Lowrie we would be very glad could you send us a bureau neither Miss W nor I have any place to put our clothes exception trunks which is very inconvenient. True I have done so long without a bureau you might think I could ____ do but I find the longer I____ the more I need one and _____ ____ Miss W. will find it so likewise we would rather do without pay for them.
Remember me in your prayers also the Indians among whom I am placed I wish to do my duty but cannot unless help is granted from on ( or an) High. This assistance we will need be that it may be granted us is the prayer your friend and I hope
Sister in Christ
Mary J. Bowen
Kowetah jan 25 1853
Saturday, May 18, 2013
11:49 PM
Kowetah Jan 25 1853
Dear Mr Lowrie
Will you allow me to trouble you again with ____ short letter I have received no answers to the one I wrote sometime since nor could I expect so soon I wrote this to ask that I maybe disconnected with the board. My health is very bad better than when I wrote I cannot do much here I am only in the way of some ____ what might be more useful. I feel that I could do more good at home with my present ____ and as this school will in all probability be broken up in the spring and I think it would be only _____ for nothing ____ to you to another station duty seems plane to me and that is for me to go. Even if more help could be ____ for this place I cannot see that I would be much use ____ I can not teach unless I would have to talk as much as it is necessary to do in these indian schools. And if a married lady ____ she of course will take the ____that I have now . I could not think of remaining here even if my health ___ good if there is to be no married family ___ Taking all this things ___ consideration (?) I have come ___ the ___ decision to return home at for a time should my health become established and there be in spring for more usefulness____ ____ foreign field. I would not hesitate to engage in the work again. This with much _____ that I think of saving the Creeks and it is only with the hope that I can do them that I have ____ to go I love the children of the school dearly and I cannot think of a greater trail than to leave them particurly now when it seems so eviendent that they be depressed of the _____ of you to school ___ long. Oh that these indians could see what is for both their ___ and spiritual interest and oh that god would think it is the hearts of ___ of Miss ___ to come and labor for them. I am thinking of taking two or three boys home with me to have them educate their friends watch them to go and the boys are very anxious to go. I have almost ____ to take them. Their object is to ___ for the missiontry and could I be the means to assist accomplishing their object would it not be productive of more good than laboring here if I was able to labor.? The hope would be _____ to go unless some missionaries would be with them for ___ time at least I am concerned they will never acquire __ suffient education here not even to enter college much less be prepared to _____ a theological course. I think I can ___ ___ arrangements to have them educated of their were not able to ___ all ___ necessary expenses I have written to __ pastor ( Mr. steel) ___ know what can be done for them should they go asking if be could get ____ for them where they would ___ ___ ___ I mention this to you knowing you feel an interest in these scholars and would be glad ___ hear of them doing well. What do you think of the ___ of __-- ___ ___ ___ to be _____ ? Your young friend William ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ then at the two ___ ___ the most advised scholars . I hope they may get ___ blessing to their people by being able to preach to them in their own language.
I hope my resignation will be accepted by the committee and that I may hear soon for if I do go home I wish to start as early in the spring __I can
With kind regard I am ____ ___
Mary J Bowen
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